Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Optical Illusion - Old couple 2

Optical Illusion - Dog

Optical Illusion - Wall mural

Optical Illusion - Sport car wanna-be truck

Optical Illusion - Pool

Optical Illusion - Batman and Robin

Optical Illusion - movement in Squares

Optical Illusion - spinning 2

Is this spinning?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Optical Illusion - Faces

Optical Illusion - Stairs

Great optical illusion - stairs!

Optical Illusion - Colors

What do you see here? Two similar pictures, but in different colors.

Optical Illusion - Paralell lines?

Are these lines parallel?

Optical Illusion - Colors

How many colors can you see on the picture? Are you shure?

Just 2 colors are used here!

Optical Illusion - Women

What do you see here? One of the most most famous optical ilusions!

Optical Illusion - Love couple / old man

What do you see? An old man? Are you sure? Watch better!

Optical Illusion - Lines

Do you see rectangles and squares? But it is just set of lines in different directions!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Optical Illusion - Café wall

Whether the lines are parallel?

Optical Illusion - Circles

What circle is bigger?

Optical Illusion - Duck or Rabbit

Optical Illusion - Escher waterfall

Optical Illusion - Penrose_triangle

Optical Illusion - spinning

Does it spins?

Optical Illusion - Elephant

How many legs has this elephant?

Optical Illusion - Ponzos illusion

Are the yellow lines the same lenght?
Jesu li žute linije iste dužine?

Optical Illusion - Columns

Optical Illusion - Points in the grid